Modern state of fresh groundwater regional researches

Igor. S. Zektser
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Igor. S. Zektser:
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Groundwater, water balance, groundwater discharge, vulnerability, transboundary aquifers, natural water resources

Regarding international handling of regional hydrogeological investigations, there are five main concerns: General groundwater formation and distribution regularities, including the study and mapping of particular regions and large river basins; Regional assessment and mapping of the groundwater discharge; Regional assessment and mapping of fresh groundwater to understand how best to protect the resource from anthropogenic contamination; Studying the groundwater role as it applies to total water resource balances of particular regions, including seas and oceanic coastal zones; and The assessment and study of transboundary aquifers, to determine prospective use for water supply and irrigation of the adjoining territories. Short characteristic analysis of current regional researches state was considered. Groundwater discharge quantitative assessment and natural groundwater resources were examined, helping to determine the major recharge values of aquifers, which form in various natural and anthropogenic conditions. Also, the groundwater role in general water resources and water balance was quantitatively characterized. This paper follows the consideration of a new research line, “marine hydrogeology”, whose goal is to study the interaction between groundwater and seawater. Any investigations of anthropogenic pollution consider the danger of different pollutants penetrating the groundwater, and provide a basis for working out methods of fresh aquifer protection. The primary objectives of transboundary groundwater studies are to provide prospective determination of the practical use of the groundwater, protecting against depletion and pollution.