Approaching to Ernst von Weizsäcker’s “Factor 4 Doubling Wealth, Halving Resource Use” with special emphasis to Aquatic Systems(Am05040)

Georgios Stournaras
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Ernst Von Weizsäcker, natural resources saving, land use, water saving.

The approach of Ernst Von Weizsäcker and his collaborators (Club of the Rome) is an interested consideration concerning both the adequacy and the use of the natural resources in the frame of the dominant living standards. With sufficient scientific evidence and an extensive list of examples the authors document the title and the content of their book “Factor Four. Doubling Wealth Halving Resource Use”. The article deals with the consideration that water seems to be, as usually, in the center of this approach, initially for two reasons. First, water is the most important natural resource in our planet ensuring the existence of life, since they are organisms living without air, but not without water. Second, the water is the main factor ensuring the existence of all the rest natural resources either ensuring their existence and development (natural vegetation, agriculture, livestock etc.) or the water’s interference in the construction of products such as the mining and processing of ore deposits, the industrial production, the food, pharmaceutical, etc. production, the organization of the land uses, the waste management and disposal and any other human activity. This consideration is examined from the environmental point of view dealing with the land uses, natural resources and waste disposal. It is also examined from the aquatic point of view. Both considerations are finally described in some of the examples used in the discussed Weizsäcker’s scientific work.